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装修装饰 / Decoration
发布日期:2019/10/22 点击数:962新闻来源:


Spatial primitive condition and construction process


In order to optimize natural lighting into space, the designer demolished part of the non-load-bearing wall and redesigned the home partition. The purpose of the whole design is to open everything up.



The infinite possibilities of extending the life scene by living at home, presenting the temperature and agility of living.The arc-shaped glass block of the living room can be eliminated by introducing natural light in the daytime, and the natural color matching can make the space return to its true freedom.



The sculpture technique gives the cut surface to delineate the interior space, and acts as a wall to cut off arcs, which provides the original body with a soft and pleasant feeling.

The arc of the medium in the space makes the original rigid reinforced concrete linear structure blend with the sense of fluency, and the kitchen and living room open and close variably.


Curve design extends kitchen vision. Designers use floor visual perception to make distinctive design, while shaping the ground space partition.




By using the interactive behavior of natural lighting in the receiving space, the atmosphere space is elegantly evolved.

Through the interweaving of visual experience, the boundaries between nature and humanity, reality and fantasy gradually disappear.



Two different functions exist at different times in the same space. The tatami space, which is both a study and a secondary bed, adds great possibilities to the behavior of space users. The application function of space sums up more than one kind of sentiment for home to the maximum extent, and opens up a side of leisure for life.


我们可以决定自己在什么样的空间里,醒来又沉醉 。利用黑灰菱形地砖拼花跟灰色墙面相结合,为主卫浴空间营造简约大气的风格。

We can decide what kind of space we are in, wake up and get drunk. The use of Black-Grey diamond-shaped floor tile Patchwork and Grey wall combined to create a simple atmosphere for the main bathroom space style.

上一条:温州国际花园设计   下一条:Arthur Casas Studio: 里约热内卢海滨的RS公寓
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